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Here you will find snippits of presentations Cinda has given across the country on various topics.  If you have a topic you would like Cinda to comment on or get an open discussion started, write her at


Are you a “Classy” Individual?


Sometimes when you meet someone, like your favorite grandmother, your Mom or even a favorite teacher or mentor, you will look at her and say out loud…  “WOW! That lady is a class act!”  I’m sure that every single one of you can think of one person who fits that bill, someone whom you respect and admire.


During sorority recruitment, we always talk a lot about being a classy organization.  Therefore we want to bring in ladies who are also classy. But what does that really mean and how can we tell if they are classy?


Class is often considered something that you gain based on birth to families that provide you with a silver spoon—in other words, the rich and the famous. It is called social standing.  Those of you born into an upper-middle class or upper class family, I congratulate you.  But if you watch ET or other such shows, you will notice what social standing and class do for a lot of entertainers and sports stars.  Money will not give you class, often just the opporsite is true


Webster’s says that one who is a class act, is a person who displays impressive and stylish excellence. Some synonyms would be “refined,” “excellent”, “quality”, “stylish,” and “elegant.” In other words, “they are a cut above the rest.” Think for a moment about what you think makes a person classy?


I think “class” is a whole lot more about how you respond to people when asked to do something, as well as how you treat people, particularly wait staff, or other ordinary workers with whom you might come into contact.


  • Vince Lombardi said

 "The measure of who we are is what we do with what we have." 


Here are some questions to ponder.  See if what your answers are and if you respect that person for their actions.


  • If a friend told you that they thought you had had too much to drink, how would you react?


  • If one of those friends had to take you home because they were worried about your condition, how would you feel the next day and what would you do?


  • Have you missed a class in the last month for any reason other than a bona fide illness.


  • Have you said you’d do something and life got in the way and you had to let someone down?


  • Have you forgotten to say you were sorry for something you did or did not do.


  • Are you often late to class?


  • Have you ever gotten up without showering, put on your letters or school shirt and barely brushed your hair or wore any makeup and then went to class?


  • Have you ever not turned in your homework in on time?


  • Have you ever not taken care of a bill or expense in a timely manner. (rent, dues, T-shirt order)


  • Have you ever looked down on someone or made fun of something that they did or didn’t do?


  • Have you ever not found the time to participate in a  philanthropic event that you committeed to doing, helping with or attending. (Tutor a child, clean a beach or park, paint or build a house, walk in a fund raising walk, work behind the scenes for a cause).


What does the person who has class possess?


Their word is their bond.  If they say they will do something, they do.


They give of themselves to a cause bigger than they are, usually philanthropic to change their world in some small way.


They treat others as they would like to be treated, i.e. that waiter, who is working hard to get through school. The Golden Rule.


They attend 98% of their classes, are never late, and stay to ask questions or set up office hours with their professors.


They are never late to work, go the extra to learn about what they need to do to get ahead and ask for extra things to do.


They dress appropriately for all of their many functions- usually a bit better than their counterparts.

-   While at work, they dress for the job they want to get, rather than just for comfort. 

-   When they come to a formal meeting, they look as if they are ready to   go to an important corporate interview and they are even proud to wear it on campus all day with their Sorority badge.


It is said that people will never remember you for the possessions you have acquired but rather for the deeds you have done and how you treat people.


To me, that is class.  I hope you think about some of the points made this evening and take them to heart to determine how you want to live your life from now on.


True and Constant Friendship








The Tie That Binds

Life Changing

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